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Winter Tyres

Winter tyres are specifically designed for optimum performance when the temperatures drop below 7 °C. They are typically used across European countries with some countries making it mandatory for winter tyres to be fitted during their winter months.

Although winter tyres are not mandatory for the UK market, winter tyres do have a place in our portfolio of tyres for the cold winter months. They improve the safety of cars on the road during the winter months and there is a lack of knowledge and awareness of the benefits of winter tyres in the UK.

In contrast to summer tyres, winter tyres work better in cold temperatures as they are made by a specific form of rubber which triggers in colder weather – better handling and braking.

Summer tyres vs winter tyres – stopping distance

If you’re driving at 60mph with summer tyres on your car it will take you approximately 70.5 metres to stop on a wet, cold road.

If you’re driving at 60mph with winter tyres on your car you will come to a standstill stop at 65.7 meters.

That’s roughly the length of a large family vehicle – the difference between a collision.

Winter tyres are marked with a ‘snowflake or mountain’ symbol to clearly identify it as a winter tyre.

Benefits of winter tyres

  • Improve tyre performance in the winter – wide tread pattern blocks and extra sipes help to grip to make it safer (some winter tyres are even studded for extra safety).
  • Better grip in colder climates – the rubber grips to the road in cold climates.
  • Superior control in cold, icy and wet conditions.
  • Increased safety on the roads in adverse weather conditions – winter tyre treads are made for traction on icy roads and better stopping distances on wet and icy surfaces.

Here at Mill Auto Services, we begin to stock winter tyres online around September/October time as we come into autumn. We stock a good, quality range of winter tyres that suit all pockets.

If your car doesn’t already have winter tyres on it, we strongly recommend you buy 4 tyres so that your handling isn’t compromised.

To view the winter tyres we have in stock, please enter your tyre size or vehicle registration, filter by ‘winter tyres’ and book on our tyre ordering website. You can have your tyres fitted some times the same day or next working day.

If you’re not sure if you will benefit from fitting winter tyres to your car, please give us a call on 01823 444117 and we will happily help.

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