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Continental Vanco FourSeason 2 Tyres Available in Creech St Michael, Taunton

Continental Vanco FourSeason 2

Vanco FourSeason 2

  • Engineered in Germany, Continental offers premium tyres with optimum braking performance and safety
  • Maximum economy in all seasons
  • Trusted by leading car manufacturers, including for example the models Renault Master, Mercedes-Benz Sprinter, and Iveco Daily

Maximum economy in all seasons
  • Thanks to the rubber compound of the Vanco™ FourSeason 2, the tyre offers maximum wear resistance and a long service life. As a result, it provides outstanding economy throughout the year.

High safety in summer, thanks to excellent handling on dry roads
  • Thanks to the computer aided design and stiff tread pattern concept, the tyre provides perfect handling on dry roads.

Outstanding safety through the winter, thanks to reliable traction and braking performance
  • The Vanco™ FourSeason 2 provides maximum grip on roads on wintry roads. Moreover, by dispersing water and slush, the tyre provides the best possible safety in winter, giving reliable traction and braking performance.